Friday 2 August 2019

Operating Principles of VCM

The following points are concerning a correct operation, product quality, safety as well as economical aspects:

1. Material Feed
  • feed mass flow is measured by belt conveyor weighing cell 
  • must be continuously, but variable (speed of the feeding belt is controlled)
  • grain size must be according to layout (not to big/fine material)
  • temperature of feeding material should be constant 
  • fast variation / fluctuation cause a disturbance of the operation (vibration)
  • pieces of metal must be separated before mill, otherwise they cause a damage of parts inside the mill
2. Temperature mill outlet
  • is measured directly behind classifier, is controlled (must be constant)
  • is the indication for the drying process in the mill
  • to low temperature: insufficient drying - clogging in the cement transport system
  • to high temperature: damages of roller & classifier bearings and sealing
  • HH, LL limit, fixed during commisioning cause the stop of the feed automatically
3. Temperature mill inlet
  • is measured on mill inlet ducts
  • should not exceed a certain value (especially during heating up)
4. Mill gas flow
  • is measured in the clean duct behind mill filter / mill fan and controller
  • should be kept constant independent of fluctuation in pressure or temperature of the system
  • quantity will be adjusted during commisioning (depends on the kind, quantity and quality of production)
  • gas flow is combination of : 
    • circulation air
    • fresh air
    • hot gas
    • evaporated water
    • false air
  • too low gas flow: 
    • accumulation of the material in the mill (product finer)
    • increasing of reject amount
    • operation disturbance
    • decreasing of the feeding is necessary
  • too high gas flow 
    • more material cas pass the classifier (product coarser)
    • high wear
    • no economical operation
5. Mill inlet pressure
  • static pressure is measured in both mill inlet gas duct
  • need to be kept constant (controller by position damper "R" or "S"
  • negative pressure should be maintained in all operation conditions
  • too high pressure (0):
    • dangerous (getting overpressure)
    • disturbance of the gas flow + grinding pressure
  • too high negative pressure: increasing the power consumption of the mill fan 
6. Mill differential pressure 
  • static pressure before and behind mill is measured separately, but 1 pipe each goes to another trasmitter for dp (or dp will calculated)
  • indicates the present charging of the mill
  • depends on:
    • feed mass flow
    • gas flow
    • grinding pressure
    • classifier speed 
  • dp should kept constant between min and max
  • too low dp:
    • part load condition of the mill
    • uneconomical operation condition
    • increasing of  feed rate possible
  • too high dp:
    • check feed rate, mill motor power consumption
    • grinding pressure , height of grinding bed
    • reducing of feed rate necessary
    • HH - stop feeding, start feed again after archieve normal value
7. Grinding pressure
  • is generated by the oil pump in the hydraulic system (HSLM)
  • will be transferred into the grinding bed via hydraulic cylinder /rocker arm/ roller
  • grinding pressure and nitrogen pressure in the accumulator must be monitored (even changing the nitrogen pressure)
  • is decisive for the efficiency of the process 
  • too low pressure:
    • lower mill output
    • coarser product
    • increase of mill dp
    • decrease of feeding rate
  • too high pressure:
    • higher wear
    • rough mill operation 
    • uneconomical operation
  • pressure drop in the hydraulic system below a certain limit causes a mill stop
8. Product fineness
  • is measured in blaine (cm2/gr), range about 3500....6000 blaine
  • is influenced by:
    • classifier speed (higher speed - finer product)
    • gas flow
    • grinding pressure
  • hourly analysis is necessary to kept product quality (adjustment classifier speed if necessary)
9. Mill vibration
  • is measured constanly as velocity mm/s in horizontal direection of mill body
  • HH limit is set during commisioning , in case exceeding HH limit the mill motor will be stopped to avoid mechanical damages
  • reason for high vibration level is an imperfect operation:
    • Grinding bed to low with to high grinding pressure 
    • no stable feed rate  to the mill (e.g. 1 component missing)
    • feeding material is to fine (grinding pressure need to be reduced)

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